Further Life Drawing


One of a series of life drawings. Each was drawn using only a limited number of lines from the fibronaci sequence of numbers.


We had to choose 3 different coloured materials from a lucky dip bag. pink oil pastel – orange felt tip – green oil pastel


Part of a series of mark making experiments. I used black poster paint and a cheap sponge dabber.


Mark making using only the number ‘4’


Marking making using only the letter ‘P’ Also experimenting with colour combinations and mixing.

Studio Manager at Magdalen Road Artist Studios

I have worked freelance for many years and for the last 5 years I have worked exclusively for one company. Just before the summer my employer reduced my days from 3 down to 1 which was a shock.

Determined to find a new job that would fit with my art practice I applied for many different positions including Art Technicians at two Oxfordshire schools.

Just before I left for my summer holiday in France I heard that I had been offered the position of Studio Manager at Magdalen Road Artist Studios. This is a fantastic opportunity and I am very excited, this gives me the opportunity to be surrounded by working artists as well as working within a creative space.

Magdalen Road Studios have affordable studio space for 24 artists as well as a small gallery space Filament 14 that provides exhibition and research opportunities within a studio setting. They also run some classes from within individual artist studios.


Resist printing tests

Intrigued by my previous research into resist printing I decided to experiment with the techniques and see if I could come up with a modern resist recipe that would work successfully.

Resist test 1


flour and water

I felt my first experiment should be with the most simple resist recipe that I found. 1 part flour to 1 part water. This is easy to produce and goes onto fabric reasonably well but it warps the fabric and can crack. It also dissolves very quickly when added to the dye bath so is only really suitable when painting dye onto fabric.

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Life Drawing Private View

During the week before our exhibition I had a day with another of the lifedrawers and together we curated and chose the pieces that we felt best worked together. With the help of Roger Perkins we put the exhibition up, hung simply but very effectively with bulldog clips screwed into the walls.


ExhibitionPanorama Continue reading